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Showing posts with label pursuing your goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pursuing your goals. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lo que sera, sera (What Will Be, Will Be)

My first visit to this tropical island  in the Caribbean Sea was around 1975.  I always remember the drive from the San Juan airport because of the distance we covered.   It took him about four hours to get us to where he lived.  It seemed we were never going to get to my grandfather's house, we could have been asking over and over, "Are we there yet?", but we didn't because that would have been seen as disrespectful. I've always thought that the moment I set eyes on these amazing mountains I fell spell bound in love for the rest of my life. I knew I would never leave if it would have been up to me.  The narrow and steep roads it took to get here were more than worth it! 

my mountain

Sometimes life becomes a little like this.  The road gets rough, but when you finally arrive where you want to be it's worthwhile.   The challenge of dealing with the  pot holes, narrow and steep roads you've  endured become milestones in your journey fulfilling your purpose in life.

It's very easy to stop and make a u-turn and simply give up!  No matter what you want, this premise will remain the same along the way.  You will endure less pain, but also less satisfaction if you stop trying.  It can be that you need to get a medical treatment  or any other thing, that seem will never happen, so instead of pushing harder you simply say, -"Okay, this is it, or as we like to say "lo que sera, sera.",.   Which means,  what will be, will be.  I am a strong believer that accepting fate is being a coward! I know from experience that life can and always will be able to overwhelm you,  and some days we are going to get up in the morning only to be punched in the face (from debt collectors to just bad news), but that doesn't mean we can give up.  We just need to push forward harder, and if we can't do it on our own, than we need to get help. There's nothing much more to it.

a view from my backyard...
 How many times in life do we confront situations like this!

Taking the rough road has its price because everything in life comes with one, but I've always thought that sometimes you just need to risk it.  Stay strong while the going gets tough!  It's not going to be easy, and that's when you need friends, family, and anybody who can contribute with a positive thought or a good wish.

These people will become your collaborators, they will fuel up your motor, and pave your road making the ride much smoother.  These are the people who will hold you while the winds are blowing hard and strong.  They will lift your shoulders and push you forward, so when you finally get there (where ever it may be) you can raise your arm and touch the sky and feel that you've arrived to your destination (like I did)!  What about you, where's your destination?